Monday, January 2, 2012

Third Trimester

November 18th started my third trimester.  I have to admit that I had a bit of a freak out when I realized we were in the last stretch of this pregnancy.  I feel as if we have so much to do still and with the holidays just am not sure we will get it all done.

I have to say that I am still very lucky in this pregnancy.  I have made it this far without any major concerns.  My hands are starting to bother me quite a bit.  Apparently, I have pregnancy induced carpal tunnel.  Basically, what that means is that my hands get swollen which prevents the blood from circulating the way it should.  This causes my hands to go numb.  It gets pretty annoying b/c it slows me down when doing everyday things like: writing, blow drying or straightening my hair, etc.  I bought myself some braces to sleep in on November 30th.  It has gotten to the point now that I also wear them during the day.  They seem to help sometimes but it is not a perfect fix.  However, if this is the only thing I have to complain about during this pregnancy then I am so very thankful.

On November 28th, we met one f the other doctors from the practice that could end up delivering Drew.  She was really nice, but I still hope my original doctor is available for the big day.

We started taking our preparation classes at the beginning of December.  We have attending Baby Basics, Infant CPR, and a Breastfeeding class.  So far, I think the most important thing Jonathan has learned is that 911 doesn't need a long drawn out story.  Just kidding.  All of the classes provided a lot of great information.  It is a little bit of an overload, so I hope we can find our references in the future.  Breastfeeding is the one topic that intimidates me the most.  I feel as if it does not matter how much information I get, it just still is not enough. 

We think we have chosen a pediatrician group.  They have offices in Carrollton, Bremen, and Villa Rica so it should be relatively convenient for us.  At least that is another thing that we can cross off our list.

I have had a few more doctor's appointments.  They have all been routine with no surprises.  After my next appointment, I will start to go every single week.  I really can't believe how little time is left.

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