Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Late Night Thoughts....

It seems just like yesterday that I was getting a card from a crying Candi informing me of the wonderful journey that we were about to embark on. There have been so many different emotions that I have felt in the past seven month that at times I felt like I had multiple personality disorder. Through all of the crazy thoughts and emotions there are two things that have not changed. The first one is that I love Candi with everything that I have and the second is that I CANNOT wait for Drew to get here.

As many of you have told me, there is nothing that I have done yet in my life that can even hold a candle to what is about to happen around here in a few weeks. I cant even begin to tell everyone thanks enough for all that they have done. From the ones that have helped my do things in the room, offered an ear when I needed to vent, shared advice and answered all of the crazy questions that I have had and even the ones that have told me just to shut up and calm down. I love every last one of you.

So I sit here late tonight wishing I were sleeping but for some reason I cant. All I can do is sit here and wish that we were four weeks down the road. I know that when Operation Drew Bird goes out in the next few weeks that we will all be on the edge of our seats waiting on this wonderful bundle of joy to bust out of what we will call Mommy's Jail. Daddy will be there to do whatever it takes to break her out, hopefully this is the only time that I will have to get her out of jail.

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