Monday, October 22, 2012

Happy 5 Months to Drew!

July 9, 2012

Dear Drew -

The months just continue to fly by.  It is so weird how I can not imagine you any older than you are right now, yet I know you are growing daily.  Everyone is always telling us you will be doing this and that before we know it and we just want it all to slow down a bit.  You, on the other hand, are trying to learn as much as possible as fast as possible.

During this month, you finally rolled over for the first time.  Neither of us saw it though.  Mommy laid you on your tummy to put up some clothes and when I turned around, you were on your back.  You are beginning to try to sit up on your own.  Right now you need a little adjusting and assistance, but it will not be long.

So much has happened this month!

We took our first beach trip.  You did so good on the beach even though the wind was blowing like crazy.  We, also, kept you up for all hours and did not stick to any schedule but you adapted well.  During this trip, we went to your first baseball game.  We only lasted 4 innings due to the rain.

You celebrated your first Father's Day with your daddy.  You sent him a card in the mail and bought him shorts and swimtrunks.

We celebrated cousin Eli's birthday and July 4th.

You had your first taste of cereal and seemed to like it ok.

Each day is an adventure with you and I am doing my best to soak it all in as they come. 

I love you everyday!


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