Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Trip to Babies R Us

Candi and I had some time to kill yesterday before trivia so we went to walk around Babies R Us and gather some ideas of things that we would like. We started by looking at baby monitors and of course I go straight for mac daddy one with the seven inch flat screen color TV to watch my babies every move. That was shortly followed by Candi shooting me down to a black and white tube TV ....I guess we will call that a compromise.

The next stop was bottles and food storage containers which seems like it would be pretty straight forward but was any but that. So that brings up the question of what types of bottles to use and how many do you need? Daddy likes a six pack so that should be good enough for baby right? I thought that but then I saw a bottle drying rack that has spots for eight bottles so maybe baby and I jump it to a twelve pack. This is by far the most complex and confusing riddle that I have tried to figure out in years.

If that wasn't hard enough then we looked at strollers, pack and plays, swings, rockers, bouncy chairs, diaper bags, carrying devices for Carlos and diapers. There are so many different things to look at and decide on and we have only made one decision and that was on the stroller. It was the one that I blogged about earlier.

My amazing sister has offered a car seat and stroller combination that way we will have one in each vehicle without have to deal with any crazy switching when we are in a hurry. My wonderful friend Mindy has also offered up a swing that my god son used so there is another decision made.

As for the rest of it I am at a loss and so thankful that we saw that they offer a class called Gearing Up For Baby. We will be attending this class about a week before we find out if our boys name is good or if I have to start deciding on a girls name.

Even though this may be the most confusing thing that we have been through we just cant wait for the endless rewards that we will receive once this bundle of joy joins us in February.

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