Monday, August 29, 2011

First Thought That I May Not Be Ready For This...

Candi and I have been looking at strollers and I think that we have decided on one!!! Well with me being me, I want to read reviews and actually touch the stroller before I give my vote of confidence. I wanted to see how easy it really was to fold it up and set it back up, not just for me but for her as well. I went to Babies R Us today after work and found the one that we had been looking and played with it for a little bit. Rolled it around, took the car seat/carrier off and folded it up. This was quite easy.....until I went to unfold it and get it back into stroller form. I then proceed to mess with this thing for another ten minutes or more and have no luck at all. Candi called me to see what I thought and all I could say is, "I think I broke it". I end up walking to the front and talking to a lady at the counter to explain my problem. She walks back over with me and shows me that there is a lock that is activated when it is folded up to keep it from opening on its own. This whole episode reminded me that I have so much more to learn. Hopefully through the rest of this learning process I will look like I am more prepared. We all got a good laugh out of this fiasco.

Picture of it folded up.

Locking latch that had me confused.

Stroller with carrier seat attached.

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